All prices shown are excluding GST.
The introduction of the NEO lighting control console marks a new chapter in the evolution of control. This console allows the ability to seize light; to grab, move, change position, color and motivate the lighting design simply and effectively. The NEO lighting control console is the closest that a designer can get to actually touching the light; encompassing the dreams and aspirations of both professionals and amateurs alike. The NEO lighting control console starts with the inclusion of many timesaving features, allowing the user to program faster and more accurately.
Icons and Shutter controls are represented graphically on the display, saving time and presenting meaningful data to the operator. Floating Windows allow the operator to configure their views their way, making it easier to find information. Effects are revolutionized, with €œTime Line" features, allowing drag and drop to create that perfectly timed sequence.
The show is even secured on a €œMission Critical" grade SQL server, ensuring no data loss in those critical moments. Boot time is massively reduced with high speed solid state disk drives, making the NEO lighting control console robust for everyday and touring use.
With individually controlled back lit keys, motorized faders, user security system, pixel mapping and media playback: we think you will find the NEO lighting control console a worthy successor to a proud history of iconic consoles that have had the honor of bearing the Strand Lighting and now Philips Strand Lighting name.
Additional Universes are available, please contact us with any other requirements or questions.